Wi-Fi Internet
Estacionamento e instalações
Estacionamento, Parque de estacionamento, Opção de estacionamento incluída, Jardim privado, Alpendre privado
Serviço de limpeza opcional
Aceitar cartão de crédito, Acessível 24/7, Crianças bem-vindas, Animais de estimação não permitidos, Não é permitido fumar
Cadeiras de praia, DVD-Player, TV (Cabo)
Cozinha e sala de jantar
Churrasqueira a carvão, Cadeira alta para criança, Cafeteira, Utensílios de cozinha, Churrasqueira, Fogão de cozinha, Microondas, Forno, Geladeira, Temperos, Torradeira, Aspirador de pó, Purificador de água
Características da localização
Montanha, Rural
Casa de banho e lavandaria
Casa de banho e lavandaria, Roupa de cama, Secador de cabelos, Secadora de roupas, Itens essenciais, Ferro e tábua de passar, Chuveiro, Toalhas, Lavatório, Máquina de lavar roupa
Aquecimento e arrefecimento
Lareira, Disponível, Madeira / Forno azulejado
Internet e escritório
Wi-Fi Internet, Telefone
Segurança da casa
Detetor de monóxido de carbono, Extintor de incêndio, Conjunto de primeiros socorros, Detetor de fumaça
Governanta opcional
Cartão de crédito aceito
Crianças bem-vindas
Animais de estimação não permitidos
Não é permitido fumar
Chegada: 03:00 PM
Partida: 11:00 AM
Red Acre Cottage is perfectly situated in the heart of Vermont. Take exit 3 off I-89. You have two options at that point. Either the LOW ROAD, or the HIGH ROAD. Both are gorgeous so you won't be disappointed either way. The low road is Rte 107, and you'll make a left just as you enter the town of Bethel. You'll head under a train tressel and you'll follow the river on your right until you come to Scenic Route 100. You'll make a right onto 100 and head north to the Town of Rochester. (You may want to stop in Rochester for provisions.) Head north a few miles from Rochester and make a right on Quarry Hill Road. (Just past the big white ranger station.) You will climb steeply for a couple miles. Don't run off the road gawking at the views :) Turn left at the intersection called Town Line Road. Red Acre Cottage is 1/4mi up on the left.
If you choose the high road, you'll go straight right through Bethel, make a left over the bridge and pass right through town. Make a left on Camp Brook Road and start climbing! You are going to pass over Rochester Gap. You will descend until you reach a "T" intersection. If you go left you will end up in Rochester (provisions - see directions above). If you go right you will be in what we call "The Hollows". If you make a right into The Hollows, make a right after the big barn onto North Hollow Road. This is wind through some of the most beautiful country in Vermont. Make a right at the intersection with Town Line Road. Red Acre Cottage is 1/4mi on the left. Welcome home!
Selecione a data de check-in
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I have been visiting Vermont for a long time. I was introduced to Vermont on a road trip with my parents while I was in my teens. Vermont seemed magical compared to the Ozark region of southern Missouri, where I grew up. I had never seen mountains, let alone ski slopes and the sparkly winters of storybooks. I had never experienced historic architecture, and I knew little of the East Coast or the role it had played in the founding of our nation. I fell in love with New England then, not knowing I would someday be back and call it my home.
I moved to Boston when I was about 20, I think. I absorbed the city for about 4 years and then followed my wanderlust to Europe for a spell, working for a bicycle tour company. I got homesick and came back to Boston knowing I needed to "get on with it", although I hadn't a clue what that meant. I worked for a summer on the commuter ferries in Boston Harbor and studied for my real estate exam. I passed my test, and created, The Boston Home Team and a 20+ year career in real estate.
As a young adult, I spent my summers camping along Vermont's rivers and climbing its mountains. I dreamed of owning my own home here someday. Now I do. A new adventure has begun.